La federazione delle mutue che guardano al futuro

Scopri chi siamo

Siamo al tuo fianco, dal business plan alla gestione degli associati

Federsalus offre supporto completo per tutte le esigenze delle società di mutuo soccorso, dalla creazione del business plan alla gestione degli associati. Il nostro team di esperti fornisce consulenza legale, amministrativa e operativa per garantire efficienza e conformità normativa.

Insieme siamo più forti, questa è la nostra vision

La nostra vision è costruire una comunità solidale, dove le società di mutuo soccorso collaborano e si supportano. Promuoviamo solidarietà, innovazione e qualità nei servizi mutualistici. Unisciti a noi per un futuro basato sui principi della mutualità.

Financial technology at MLab

We are at the Forefront of Revolutionizing the Future.

Backed by decades of industry experience, we have the financial technology skills and can-do attitude to take your business to the next level.

Are you segmenting clients to ensure proper coverage and add-on opportunities? Find out More
Why choose MLab

Our values hold us accountable to be the best, to act with integrity and to take personal responsibility for our actions.

  • sun
    Being brave
    New ideas drive change, so we constantly innovate and take on new challenges – that’s what makes us pioneers.
  • heart-anim
    Being human
    Our approach is driven by what makes us all human, and it has built a creative environment where people can thrive.
  • bars-anim-3
    Being different
    By tapping into all of our unique journeys, we can deliver meaningful solutions that make a difference.

News & Comunicazioni


Amazon vs Visa: what does it mean for the BNPL market?

The thriving BNPL market has seen setbacks in recent months. Yet, could embedded lending be a solution for lenders avoiding high-profile disputes like that between Amazon and Visa? In November...
Our Services

FinTech Consulting Services to Empower Your Growth

The LineThemes teams work with FinTech innovators, incumbents and investors to create the digital future of financial services.

    Compila con i tuoi dati:

    Our Solutions

    Take care of the critical aspects in Fintech Development

    Provide outstanding customer experiences & increasing performance with fintech solutions for finance companies!
    FOR Companies

    FinTech innovations are not easy to implement, so you need an experienced team of professionals in financial technology consulting services to save resources and time.


    We’re dedicated to understanding your industry and providing whatever level of support you need.

    What Our Clients Say

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    Laura’s Story

    “We are excited to tap into MLab’s network of entrepreneurs and startups in the FinTech arena.”

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    Leon Isaacs’s Story

    “As an early-stage startup, MLab truly accelerated our business and made us part of a global network.”

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    Sarah’s Story

    “Being surrounded by corporates, partners, and other startups is the place you want to be. No other place like it.”

    “They have helped exponentially expand & accelerate our pipeline and have assisted in our rise as a global player in a short amount of time.” Lubin Moseph
    Founder & CEO, Linethemes
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    “As an early-stage startup, LineThemes truly accelerated our business and made us part of a global network.” Leon Isaac
    Founder & CEO, Linethemes
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    “They’ve been in the lending software industry for a decade, and most of the team has a solid banking and financial background.” Millie Richardson.
    Chief Technology Officer
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